Gnome BibTeX Editor


gBib is a user-friendly editor and browser for BibTeX databases. You can use it also to insert citations inside a LyX document.

gBib is Free Software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You need Gnome and the C++ standard libraries (libstdc++) to use it.


Current version is 0.1.2.
Download source code: gbib-0.1.2.tar.gz

Unstable version is 0.1.3rc.
Download source code: gbib-0.1.3rc1.tar.gz

For older versions and/or RPM packages, check the ftp directory.
For Debian packages check this link

See the ChangeLog for the full report on changes between versions.

Requirements to compile: C++ compiler, libstdc++ library, GTK+ >= 1.2 and Gnome >= 1.0.


Interaction with LyX

To insert citations in a LyX document, verify that LyX is running before clicking on the lyx button. The LyX server must be enabled, just add in your lyxrc this line:
         \serverpipe "/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.lyxpipe"


gBib is being developed by Alejandro Sierra and Felipe Bergo.
Send comments, bug reports, patches, etc. to

gBib is hosted by the Simple End User Linux Project.

Last modified: Apr 7 2004 .